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Monoculturalism Arabian ethnic enclaves

Updated: May 5, 2022



The Arabic immigration, also known as the Arab diaspora is considered to have one of the highest populations of immigrants around the world after the Asian community. And just like the Asian community, there are separate reasons why many immigrate, leaving their countries behind, the majority of Arabian have no choice but to seek refuge and asylum from political conflicts, while others voluntarily leave to look for a better future. Many hosting countries organize ethnic enclaves of people of a specific ethnicity. Such the famous Arab street in Kuala Lumpur holds many ethnicities of Arab culture, such as Syrians, Yemeni backgrounds, and more. which may have similarities in culture. In Kuala Lumpur Arab street you will find many shops, restaurants, and neighborhoods for the Arab majority. Another example would be Hamtramck, Michigan, the USA where the majority are Arabian Muslims.


One of the countries that host most Arab immigrants in the world is the United States of America, The first major wave of Arab immigration began around the 1880s when residents of the Ottoman Empire began to depart the United States. Arab immigration has been in occurring in the past century to move from their homelands into different countries and societies. It is only in the past decade when the Arab spring has begun in the early 2010s, the immigration of Arabs has uprisen by 1000 people per hour nearly 12.4 million have left to evade wars in 2012. Many countries open their borders for refugees such as Turkey, and some GCC countries while some countries make it more difficult to accept refugees. More and more developed countries are arranging neighborhoods for Arabic ethnicities to help revitalize older inner-city neighborhoods.

Similarities cultures of the Arabian enclaves

An Arab can be defined as someone whose first language is Arabic, or someone with Arabic ancestry. Most Arabian societies and cultures are is known for their similarities, such as the when such as Al-Sham (Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon) culture that involves similarities when it comes to accent, ceremonies, religion, and more. The same example can be applied to the North African Culture( Egypt, Sudan, Libya). But before any differences in futuristic measures, all the Arabic immigrants from the 22 countries speak the Arabic language, Unlike the Asian enclaves you will find differences when it comes to language food, and religion, such as the difference between Indian and Chinese cultures. All Arabic countries speak the same language, Majority follow the same religion which is islam, and have the same preferences in food, such as Halal food. This is why many countries find no difficulty when it comes to building and arranging ethnic enclaves for the Arab community, not only can it create easier communication between the Arabian settlers and introduce people to new cultures.

Local and Arabian settlers

The Arabian enclaves are considered by many people including the locals as a second home that they may go to. Arabians, in general, have very interesting cultures, they smile a lot, which gives people including the locals welcome, as it is in their culture and religion to be. Many people around the world after visiting Arabian enclaves say that what the media portrays is not true, they claim that the people have delicious food in restaurants and other interesting atmospheres, enjoyable music, interesting celebrations, and the vibe of the people alone is humbling. Most people who immigrate out of their countries to foreign countries make it their responsibility to learn the countries language which they live in to ease cultural communication and connection between nations.

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