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Why are there anti-immigrant movements?

Updated: May 1, 2022


Immigration can be defined as the coming of living temporarily or permanently in a foreign land voluntarily or involuntarily, to seek refuge or to have a better or peaceful life, many people have no choice but to live abroad, leaving many loved ones behind in hopes of finding a place to call home beyond lines labeled “Borders” that were drawn in the maps by the lucky. Yet many people who immigrate abroad struggle to find peace when the welcome mats are at the borders. There are natives in many countries who oppose the idea of immigration, people with such ideologies can be hateful and very discriminatory against immigrants and foreigners, this is what is known as the Anti-Immigration movement. The definition of this movement is the protesting of people who are not natives of a particular country. There are many reasons why people oppose the idea, but the main indirect reason is simply Hate or racism, “if you are in my country, you will follow my beliefs.” There have been numerous cases in North america And Europe of brutal assaults on immigrants, including storming down their homes, neighborhoods, and businesses, demonstrating a complete disregard for human rights. But how can we change that?

Causes of Anti-Immigrant movements

Regardless of hatred and discrimination against people from different backgrounds, country natives proclaim multiple arguments. One of the most common arguments made against immigrants is that immigrants will take people’s jobs, in most countries It is very scarce for natives to find difficulty when it comes to finding jobs as most career opportunities would be a priority for the natives of the country first, immigrants are much more likely to actively compete against other immigrants, the consequence for natives would be minimal. Another argument is that immigrants are the main source of crime. This myth has existed for centuries, it is true that are immigrants who commit crimes, but they are less likely to do so. According to a recent study in the United States, due to federal government data limitations, researchers must estimate the incarcerated illegal immigrant population using the residual estimation method, which reveals that illegal immigrants are much less likely to be imprisoned than the native Americans but more likely than legal immigrants. A third argument would be that immigrants would bring with them bad culture and negative ideologies that may cause economic or political instability. Most foreigners may be influenced by the way of life and the society of the country that they live in many admire it as well, it is very unlikely for a person to change a country’s policies and sovereignty by being there, foreigners will eventually be influenced by the country the way of life.

How do we end the anti-immigration movement?

The purpose of this blog is to illustrate that immigration is not evil, but justified, it is to illustrate that it is not shameful to be an immigrant, nor is it shameful to have a different culture than what you experience in a foreign country, that is why ethnic enclaves exist. To give haters a glimpse of what one culture is really about, first natives will be able to educate themselves about what this culture is about, who knows what can change your mind about it. Natives also need to understand that some immigrants may have no homes to go to due to war, famine, or political and ideological conflict, it is up to natives to show empathy and humanity to other humans, we do not know what they have been through, what they have seen, and what they have lost, its best we welcome them with open arms.

For immigrants, it is important to show appreciation to the hosting country for example in Sudan, a country that gives opens its arms for refugees, the refugees would volunteer and perform community services for the people of Sudan to show appreciation. In Turkey, Turkish people find it very pleasing when foreigners learn their native tongue.


The world is a dark place, there are those who leave their home in hopes of finding a new one. It is only to discover that in your new home, you are unwelcome, so you are met with hate, racism and hurtful words, and even violence, In avoidance of that, there must be an intercultural connection between the foreigner and the native to do so, we must understand each other, we must understand ourselves first.

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